5 lesser known facts about taylor swift that you must know

 Taylor swift,well who doesn't know this name.She has been ruling hearts of millions across globe for many years now.She has created magic with her art and music she produces.Her fans around the world know a lot about her personal life and professional lofe but there are always something that you don't know about your favourite star.Today, we have brought some facts that you may or may not know about her.Here are five lesser-known facts about Taylor Swift:

Taylor swift
1. Songwriting from a Young Age: Taylor Swift began writing songs at a very young age. She wrote her first song, "Lucky You," when she was just 12 years old. This early passion for songwriting eventually became a cornerstone of her successful music career.

2. Silent Charitable Donations:Taylor Swift is known for her philanthropic efforts, but she's also been discreet about some of her charitable contributions. In 2020, she donated money to help a fan who was struggling due to the COVID-19 pandemic, without publicizing the act.

3. Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame: Taylor Swift became the youngest person to ever be inducted into the Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame. She received this honor in 2010 at the age of 20, recognizing her remarkable songwriting achievements.

Taylor swift

4. Phobia of Sea Urchins:Taylor Swift has an unusual fear of sea urchins, also known as echinophobia. She has talked about this fear in interviews and once mentioned that a fan gifted her a sea urchin, which was obviously a bit of a challenge for her to handle.

5. Screen Time Debut:While Taylor Swift is known for her music and occasional acting roles, she also made a brief cameo in the film "Valentine's Day" (2010). This marked her first appearance in a motion picture, where she played the role of Felicia Miller.


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